The Mr. Nile Experiment
9: The Flashback Problem
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  Yesterday was an example of a certain sort of time travel that's often used in comics.
  By using a flashback, a series of events from the past were brought into the present.
  It's a relatively easy
effect to achieve.

The simple insertion of a caption that reads something like:

6 Days ago:
  And here we are in the past.
  But the thing is, once we're here, our options are rather limited.
  A flashback can only ever change our understanding of a story.
  So, sure, we can bring to light a series of previously unseen events.
  Or retell a known series of
events from a new perspective.
But we can't actually
create new history.
  Nothing we do in the past can change the shape of the future we've travelled back from.
  No, to do that, you'd need a much more powerful form of narrative device.
You'd need an actual time machine.
  Which is kind of a lucky
coincidence, really.
  Because next I'm going to
show you how to build one.
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