The Mr. Nile Experiment
16: The Mirror Expounds
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Well, that was
I was wondering
when you'd show up.
Had to defragment
my soul. Took a while.
Has the... I mean, it
has stopped, right?
I've stabilised the worst of it, yeah. Might feel a few echoes down the line.
Echoes? Echoes of what, exactly? What was that?
That is what happens
when you try to kill reality.
Oh. Oops.
Yeah. Oops.
Hold on a second. It was that idiot Imaginary who started the whole thing off.
Not really. You were the one who wouldn't let up. You pushed the form too hard and too often.
Imaginary's limited use of animation to launch his protest was just the last straw.
The medium had already been bent far too far. It started turning into something else.
Kind of ironic, really.
When you think about it.
You're much
quieter than usual.
Our deal. It is
still on, yes?
12 days to go.
And I'm still in charge? I'm still the one telling the story?
Sure. You're in charge.
No change there.
Then how did Imaginary do it? How did he get control of the strip for those panels?
I always wrote you as
a bright guy, Mr. Nile.
I'm sure you'll
figure it out.
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