The Mr. Nile Experiment
1: Eye To Eye
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  I'm Daniel Merlin Goodbrey's left eye.
  The rest of Daniel Merlin Goodbrey has been co-opted by the narrative entity known as Mr. Nile.
  Don't worry. It's all perfectly amicable.
  They've agreed on a little trade, you see.
  Mr. Nile will be in charge of Daniel's comic creating faculties for the next 28 days.
  You can expect a new little experiment to appear for every day during that period.
  All clear? Good. I'm going to join the rest of me now.
Ready when you are.

writing words

writing words but having them come out wrong

like you meant to write an em but the pen slips and it came out an ouwe

only with whole words and sentences

and now you realise that you're writing in some new language that you don't understand

but you know it will make perfect sense to someone if you can just get it all down


before you remember what real words look like and forget this new form of thought

and so you're writing

and then you're writing

and you're writing

and then...

and then...
and then...
...and then Mr. Nile is there.

Hello children. Who wants to kill reality? << >>